Jual Kantor - Jakarta Office Space for Sale

By Admin, on March 29th, 2015 
- Office Name: Manhattan Square
- Location: TB Simatupang – setelah Gedung Elnusa – Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: 15/view City
- Size: 240 m2
- Condition: Brand new office space
- Facility: Parkir
- Additional Info: Lokasi strategis di area perkantoran, bebas 3 in 1, sertifikasi dari green building council Indonesia, dan dikelilingi area residential.
- Selling Price: Rp 9.600.000.000
- Rental Price:180.000/m2
- Contact Number: +6281364731110, +6282288305486
- E-mail: suzanproperty1810@gmail.com
Incoming search terms:https://www sewaoffice com/search/poins square/page/4/Silakan bagikan info office space ini
Tempat Usaha

By Admin, on February 13th, 2015
- Office Building Name: Manhattan Square Tower
- Location: TB Simatupang – setelah Gedung Elnusa, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: 17 – view Toll TB Simatupang
- Size: 718 m2
- Condition: Brand new office space terbagi 4 unit : CDEF masing-masing : C – 132.13m2 D – 132.13m2 E – 239.68m2 F – 214.67m2. Boleh disewa terpisah ( tidak semua ).
- Facility: –
- Additional Info: Disewakan ruang kantor di TB Simatupang, The Manhattan Square. Lokasi strategis, bebas 3 in 1, sertifikasi dari green building council Indonesia, dan dikelilingi area residential. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau jika anda ingin melakukan kunjungan ke lokasi.
- Rental Price: Rp 215.000/m2/bulan – negotiable
- Contact Number: 081287816944 – 021-29021500 (pemilik langsung – tidak melalui property consultant)
- E-mail: stephanie.christie@talisman.co.id
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By Admin, on January 9th, 2014 
- Office Building Name: The Manhattan Square
- Location: Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1 S, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 40000 m2
- Condition: Bare Condition
- Facility: SHM – Sertifikat Hak Milik
- Additional Info: Disewakan ruang kantor di TB Simatupang, The Manhattan Square. Lokasi strategis, bebas 3 in 1, sertifikasi dari green building council Indonesia, dan dikelilingi area residential. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau jika anda ingin melakukan kunjungan ke lokasi, mohon hubungi kami: Ricky Tarore – Colliers International (Exclusive Marketing Consultant) 021 521 1400 081 188 5150 www.colliers.com Ruhul Meka – Colliers International (Exclusive Marketing Consultant) 021 521 1400 081 181 1363 www.colliers.com Eva Sunaryo – Colliers International (Exclusive Marketing Consultant) 021 521 1400 0878 7777 9978 www.colliers.com Ira Sumiarsa – Colliers International (Exclusive Marketing Consultant) 021 521 1400 0812 8030 0959 www.colliers.com
- Selling Price: Rp 24.000.000 per sqm
- Rental Price: Rp 200.000 per sqm
- Contact Number: 0811885150
- E-mail: ricky.tarore@colliers.com
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By Admin, on December 27th, 2024
By Admin, on December 2nd, 2024      
- Office Building Name: SOHO Podomoro City Central Park
- Location: Jl. Letjend S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11470
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 96,96 / 102,6 / 104,29 / 119,34 / 123,84 / 138,25 m2
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Tipe Avenue Size 96,96 sqm
- Tipe Mapel Size 102,6 sqm
- Tipe Melrose Size 104,29 sqm
- Tipe Dakota Size 119,34 sqm
- Tipe Ebony Size 123,84 sqm
- Tipe Hampton Size 138,25 sqm
- Other Office Space ( SOHO Capital ) Also Available :
- Bare Finishing and Semi Furnished
- 109,04 m2
- 128,35 m2
- 139,63 m2
- 146,94 m2
- 204,09 m2
- 321,67 m2
- 1470 m2 (1 Lantai)
- Rent Charge: IDR. 100.000,-/sqm (Bare)
- Rent Charge: IDR. 130.000,-/sqm (Semi Furnished)
- Rent Charge: IDR. 170.000,-/sqm (Fully Furnished)
- Selling Price: IDR. 30.000.000 – 34.000.000,- Per Square Meter
- APL Office Tower :
- Semi Furnished dan Furnished
- 107 m2
- 175 m2
- 258 m2
- 271 m2
- 297 m2
- 370 m2
- 500 m2
- Rent Charge: Rp. 200.000 – 250.000,- Permeter Persegi
- Facility:
- Integrated Mall Central Park/Neo Soho Mall
- 5 Star Pullman Hotel
- Apartments
- Office Tower (Connect by Tunnel dan Jembatan)
- Direct Tol Exit.
- Additional Info:
- Perizinan Buat Office/Residential (Konsep Small Office Home Office)
- Operational Office Tanpa Overtime Charge (24 Hours)
- Bisa Buat Domisili PT.
- Berada di Kawasan Superblock Central Park, Area Paling Strategis di Jakarta Barat.
- Selling Price:
- Available All Types of Apartment SOHO Podomoro City Central Park Rent/Sale
- Available All Types of Office SOHO Capital Podomoro City Central Park Rent/Sale
- Available All Types of Office APL Tower SOHO Podomoro City Central Park Rent/Sale
- Rental Price:
- Tipe Avenue Starting IDR. 60 Million/Year
- Tipe Maple Starting IDR. 75 Million/Year
- Tipe Melrose Starting IDR. 90 Million/Year
- Tipe Dakota Starting IDR. 100 Million/Year
- Tipe Ebony Starting IDR. 100 Million/Year
- Tipe Hampton Starting IDR. 130 Million/Year
- Contact: Evi – 08111 06 2468 (Call)
- WhatsApp: 087882980008
- E-mail: tueviy@gmail.com
Incoming search terms:office neo sohoSilakan bagikan info office space ini
By Admin, on November 7th, 2024      
- Office Building Name: APL Tower
- Location: Jl. Letjend S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11470
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 107 / 175 / 258 / 271 / 297 / 370 / 500 m2
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished dan Furnished
- 107 sqm
- 175 sqm
- 258 sqm
- 271 sqm
- 297 sqm
- 370 sqm
- 500 sqm
- Other Office Space Also Available :
- SOHO Podomoro City Office/Residence (Multifunction) :
- Semi Furnished
- Type Avenue Size 96,96 sqm IDR. 60 Million / Year
- Type Mapel Size 102,6 sqm IDR. 75 Million / Year
- Type Melrose Size 104,29 sqm IDR. 90 Million / Year
- Type Dakota Size 119,34 sqm IDR. 100 Million / Year
- Type Ebony Size 123,84 sqm IDR. 100 Million / Year
- Type Hampton Size 138,25 sqm IDR. 130 Million / Year
- Other Office Space ( SOHO Capital )
- SOHO Capital :
- Bare Finishing and Semi Furnished :
- 109,04 m2
- 128,35 m2
- 139,63 m2
- 146,94 m2
- 204,09 m2
- 321,67 m2
- 1470 m2 (1 Floor)
- IDR. 100.000,-/sqm (Bare)
- IDR. 130.000,-/sqm (Semi Furnished)
- IDR. 170.000,-/sqm (Fully Furnished)
- Facility: Grade A office, Integrated connect ke Mall central park/Neo soho mall, 5 Star pullman Hotel, Apartements, Office Tower (Connect by Tunnel dan Jembatan).
- Additional Info: Located in the Central Park Superblock Area, the Most Strategic Area in West Jakarta.
- Selling Price: IDR. 30.000.000 – 34.000.000,- Per Square Meter
- Rental Price: IDR. 200.000 – 250.000,- /sqm/Month
- Contact: Evi – 08111 06 2468 (Call)
- WhatsApp: 087882980008
- E-mail: tueviy@gmail.com
Silakan bagikan info office space ini
By Admin, on November 6th, 2024      
- Office Building Name: Tokopedia Tower
- Location: Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No. 3, Karet Semanggi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan 1295
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 173 m2
- Condition:
- Facility:
- Coffee Shop Starbucks
- Restaurant
- Minimarket MOR
- Canteen
- Musholla
- Exclusive lobby & VIP lift
- Pantry, toilet, VIP toilet and ablution in each floor
- ATM Center
- 24-hour security
- Additional Info:
- Tokopedia Tower is a new Grade A office building located at Jakarta Selatan.
- Walking distance to Ciputra World Jakarta, Plaza Semanggi and ITC Kuningan.
- Walking distance to DBS Tower Office, Standard Chartered, Sampoerna Strategic Square and Mega Kuningan area.
- Walking distance to MRCCC International Hospital and Jakarta Hospital and next to Apartemen Ciputra World 2 Tower The Orchard, The Residence and The Suites, Ascott Service Apartment,
- Easy access to Jl Jend Sudirman, Jl Gatot Subroto, Setabudi area and HR Rasuna Said area.
- Selling Price: Rp. 6,5 M (Negotiable)
- Rental Price: Rp. 220 Ribu / m2 (Negotiabe)
- Contact: Westri 0858 80888 225 / 0818 02888 225
- WhatsApp: 085880888225
- E-mail: info@luxihomi.id
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By Admin, on October 26th, 2024   
- Office Building Name: Metropolitan Tower
- Location: TB. Simatupang, Jalan R.A.Kartini No. 9, RT. 10 / RW. 4, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan, 12440
- Floor/View: Typical floor
- Size: 200 sqm upto 2000 sqm
- Condition: Bare
- Facility: ATM, Malls, fitness center, 24-hour security & CCTV monitoring system, swimming pool, sky lounge, modern food court
- Additional Info: Nearby Schools:
- High Scope Indonesia, Cikal kindergarden school, Prasetya Mulya Management school, Singapore International school, Al-Azhar Jakarta Intenational School
- Nearby Mall/hypermarket: Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Carrefour, All Fresh fruit store, Pondok Indah Mall
- Nearby Hospital : Fatmawati Hospital Setia, Mitra Hospital, Pondok Indah Hospital
- Selling Price: Rp 24 juta per meter (nego)
- Rental Price: Rp 180.000 per meter per bulan excluding service charge dan VAT
- Contact: Sari (Hp): 0812 82 076 073
- E-mail: sartalina@yahoo.com
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By Admin, on August 27th, 2024      
- Office Building Name: Plaza Oleos
- Location: Jl. TB Simatupang No. 2, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: Call Me For Detail
- Size: Starting 45 m2- 2.400 m2
- Condition:
- Bare Condition and Fitted Condition (Contact me for detail)
- Fully Furnished
- Siap Pakai
- Unit Bagus
- Grade A Office Building
- Sertifikat Strata Title
- Facility:
- Luxurious and Spacious Lobby Receptionist
- Security & CCTV 24 hours
- Typical Floor Ceiling 2,8 m
- Ground Floor Ceiling 6 m
- Employee Access Card
- Employee Lift
- Basement lift
- Parking & Service Lift
- VIP Toilet, Male toilet, Female toilet
- Disable toilet at Lobby area
- Dry Pantry
- Basement Parking (4 basement, Luas & Banyak lotnya)
- Mushola at B1
- Canteen at LG and Backyard Canteen
- Retail and Dining options
- Bank
- Fitness center
- Travel Agent
- Coffee shop
- Convenience store
- Clinic
- Mesjid at B1
- dan masih banyak lainnya
- Additional Info:
- Plaza Oleos stands out as one of the premier destination for businesses in Jakarta’s T.B. Simatupang area with its modern architecture and wide arrays of facilities, including food, coffee shops, mini market, clinic, bank and ATM center, conference room, service office, fitness center, and praying facility. Plaza Oleos also offers high office flexibility by providing separate electricity meter for air conditioning system, lighting and power outlets inside the office premises, and various office spaces starting from 45 square meters.
- About Plaza Oleos:
Plaza Oleos is a modern and well-maintained office building offering spacious floor plans of 2,400 sqm. The rental price is competitively set at IDR 180,000 per sqm (negotiable), with a service charge of IDR 60,000 per sqm.
- Key highlights:
- Prime Location: Situated in the heart of Jakarta’s business hub, TB Simatupang, offering excellent connectivity to major roads and public transportation.
- State-of-the-Art Facilities: Separate electricity meter for AC, lighting, and power outlets with large floor plate of 2.400 sqm that is divided into 8 zonings offers flexibility in determining your office division and working hours; four basement parking floors with capacity for 650 cars and 460 motorcycles; equipped with double glass windows for sound and heat barrier, advanced security systems, and comply with international standards for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE).
- Amenities: On-site dining options, bank, ATM center, fitness center, clinic, mini mart, conference room, service office, prayer room and mosque to ensure a comfortable and productive working environment.
- Selling Price: Starting IDR 32.000.000/ sqm (Negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- Bare Shell Condition (Kosongan) Rp 180.000/ sqm (negotiable)
- Fully Furnished Condition Rental Price Rp 250.000/ sqm (negotiable)
- Service Charge Rp 60.000/ sqm
- Contact: Aulia Fauzia : +62 812 9091 2484
email: auliafauzia@outlook.com or aulia.nurfauziah@colliers.com
- WhatsApp: 6281290912484
- E-mail: auliafauzia@outlook.com or aulia.nurfauziah@colliers.com
Silakan bagikan info office space ini
By Admin, on August 10th, 2024      
- Office Building Name: SOHO Capital Podomoro City Central Park
- Location: Jl. Letjend S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11470
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 109,04 / 128,35 / 139,63 / 146,94 / 204,09 / 321,67 / 1470 m2
- Condition:
- Bare Finishing and Semi Furnished :
- 109,04 m2
- 128,35 m2
- 139,63 m2
- 146,94 m2
- 204,09 m2
- 321,67 m2
- 1470 m2 (1 Floor)
- Other Office Space Also Available :
- SOHO Podomoro City Office/Residence (Multifunction) :
- Semi Furnished
- Type Avenue Size 96,96 sqm IDR. 60 Million/Year
- Type Mapel Size 102,6 sqm IDR. 75 Million/Year
- Type Melrose Size 104,29 sqm IDR. 90 Million/Year
- Type Dakota Size 119,34 sqm IDR. 100 Million/Year
- Type Ebony Size 123,84 sqm IDR. 100 Million/Year
- Type Hampton Size 138,25 sqm IDR. 130 Million/Year
- Other Office Space ( SOHO Capital ) Also Available :
- APL Office Tower :
- Semi Furnished dan Furnished
- 107 sqm
- 175 sqm
- 258 sqm
- 271 sqm
- 297 sqm
- 370 sqm
- 500 sqm
- Rent Charge: Rp. 200.000 – 250.000,- Permeter Persegi
- Selling Price: Rp. 36.000.000 – 37.000.000,- Permeter Persegi
- Facility: Grade A Office, Heli Pad, Integrated Connect ke Mall Central Park/Neo Soho Mall, 5 Star Pullman Hotel, Apartements, Office Tower (Connect by Tunnel dan Jembatan), Direct Tol Exit.
- Additional Info: Berada di Kawasan Superblock Central Park, Area Paling Strategis di Jakarta Barat.
- Selling Price:
- IDR. 30.000.000 – 34.000.000,- Per Square Meter
- Available All Types of Apartment SOHO Podomoro City Central Park Rent/Sale
- Available All Types of Office SOHO Capital Podomoro City Central Park Rent/Sale
- Rental Price:
- Rent Charge: Start at IDR. 170.000,-/sqm (Bare)
- Rent Charge: Start at IDR. 185.000,-/sqm (Semi Furnished)
- Rent Charge: Start at IDR. 200.000,-/sqm (Fully Furnished)
- Contact: Evi – 08111 06 2468 (Call)
- WhatsApp: 087882980008
- E-mail: tueviy@gmail.com
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